Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Strategies for Managing People Who Are Difficult to Manage

Paul Wakolbinger is the sales director for the La Jolla, California-based company, Kyriba. In his current role, Paul Wakolbinger markets treasury management software that assists clients with meeting treasury best practices with minimal investment and maximum security. As an experienced business leader, Mr. Wakolbinger has expertise in successfully managing people. Not all people are easy to supervise, which can make leadership roles a challenge. Listed below are three tips for dealing with people who are difficult to manage.

1. Accept the complexity of your role as manager. Don’t waste time and energy wishing that your managerial role was easier, but instead accept it. View sensitive employee situations in a positive way and as a challenging puzzle that you are working to solve.

2. Deal with conflict directly and fairly. Managers should not avoid conflict, nor should they try to overtake others when conflict arises. Good managers seek just and constructive solutions to resolve conflicts.

3. Try to see situations through the eyes of others. Examine the possibilities as to why a person might be hard to manage. Ask yourself questions, such as the following: has this person always been hard to manage? Is my management style provoking a particular type of response from this individual? Using a holistic perspective to solve a problem provides new insights and can help guide you to a solution.